This picture has a pretty big story behind it. Yes, I used this picture in my last post. Like I said, it has a story behind it.
Some people say they have friends. Some say they have great friends. Some say they will be friends till The End. A friendship should last for a very long time, no doubt. There's really not much in this life that should come between people enough to break up a friendship. Of course people will have their differences, even between friends, that's just human nature. Some people say they will be friends until they die. Some say until Forever, usually meaning until the end of all Existence. Some say "I'll be waiting for ya when you get to Hell". I've even heard "I'll be waiting in Hell with a cold Beer for ya!".
So, did I lose a friend? Probably not, I just pissed him off. That guy in the background giving me the Evil Eye, is Sam. That girl next to him is..... um..... well, I don't know what he calls her. That was his girl for the month of August. I don't know if they made it into September, but I thought I heard her voice in the hallway last night, so we'll see. Anyway, Sam had a Fiance. I say "had" because, you guessed it, he doesn't have her anymore. No, he didn't cheat on her with this girl in the picture. It was the other X-number of women he cheated on her with that sealed his fate. 3 days before she was to fly to him so they could get married, she found out the truth. This was all a few months back. I think he was still trying to work it out with her. At least, until I posted this picture from last Saturday on the Net.
The ex-fiance commented on it, he called me a Jerk (rightly so) and I haven't see or heard from the girl in the picture (who is also an acquaintance of mine).
But you can see the story there in his eyes. I read it all through the viewfinder of my Leica M3 as I composed the shot and clicked the shutter into action. It was all there. "Jerk" was an understatement.
Have a nice day!
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